Best Valorant Keybinds (2024 Guide) - (2025)

Timing is everything in Valorant. The ability to make quick decisions and execute with precision plays a significant factor in the success of the team and the individual.

Every serious Valorant player should think about customizing their keybind setup to improve the speed and quality of their gameplay. This article will explain the ideal Valorant keybinds and how to change them, plus we’ll share some data of the binds used by Valorant pros.

Best Valorant keybinds

Our keybinds aim to create a layout where the most important inputs are the easiest to reach, and each finger is responsible for performing a different action. We want to prioritize our essential inputs around the WASD movement keys since that will be the default position for our ring, middle, and index fingers.


Best Valorant Keybinds (2024 Guide) - (1)
  • Use/Equip Ability 1:Mouse Button 4
  • Use/Equip Ability 2:Mouse Button 5
  • Use/Equip Ability 3:E
  • Use/Equip Ability Ultimate:Q

We’ve compiled a list of the best keybinds using professional players’ data and our recommendations. Your keybinds may look different based on your keyboard setup, finger size, and muscle memory from other games. Everyone should customize their binds to whatever feels most comfortable to them.

The Use/Equip Ability keybinds you choose will be a core part of how your Valorant keybind layout functions. Abilities are often used in Valorant, so it is crucial to hit them without moving your fingers far from the WASD movement keys.

We bound Use/Equip Ability 1 and 2 to Mouse Buttons 4 and 5 to make it easy to use abilities while keeping control of movement and aim. If you don’t have agaming mouse for Valorant, we highly recommend picking one with at least two side buttons.

Use/Equip Ability 3 and Ultimate are bound to the E and Q keys due to their proximity to WASD. The E and Q keys are two of the simplest to press, so it makes sense to bind them to two of the most critical actions in Valorant.

Remember that Valorant features numerous Agents, each with unique abilities. The optimal ability keybinds may depend on the Agent you use and how they deploy their abilities.


Best Valorant Keybinds (2024 Guide) - (2)
  • Forward:W
  • Back:S
  • Strafe Left:S
  • Strafe Right:D
  • Default Movement Mode:Run
  • Walk:L-Shift
  • Toggle Walk:Off
  • Jump:Space, Mouse Wheel Down
  • Crouch:L-Ctrl
  • Toggle Crouch:Off
  • Fly Up:Space
  • Fly Down:L-Ctrl

As mentioned above, the Forward, Back, Strafe Left, and Strafe Right keys form the core where all our other binds are centered. These binds are the default for most FPS games.

The Default Movement Mode setting should always be Run, not Walk. Using Run as the Default Movement Mode enables full-speed strafing; our Walk function will be bound to a separate key.

The Walk keybind is bound to L-Shift, so it can be easily hit with the pinky finger while maintaining complete directional control of WASD. The Walk key is hit often in Valorant to sneak and reduce the audio profile. See ourValorant minimap guidefor tips on how to sneak and spot enemies.

It can be slightly faster to turn off Toggle Walk in Valorant because it requires two key presses to exit Walk when Toggle is enabled. If you find your finger getting tired holding the walk key, change this setting to On. Similarly, turn Toggle Crouch off to immediately exit crouch without additional key presses.


Best Valorant Keybinds (2024 Guide) - (3)
  • Fire:Left Mouse Button
  • Alternate Fire:Right Mouse Button
  • Toggle Zoom Level:L-Alt
  • Aim Down Sights:Hold
  • Sniper Rifle Aim:Hold
  • Operator Zoom:Toggle
  • Auto Re-enter Scope:Off
  • Reload:R

The Weapons keybind settings give players the option between Hold and Toggle for Aim Down Sights and Sniper Rifle Aim. Hold is superior because it allows players to un-scope before the scope-in animation has finished, which reduces the time it takes to respond to additional threats.

The Operator Zoom setting will enable players to Cycle or Toggle between the Operator scope’s two magnification levels. Toggle gives players more control over their magnification, and we set Toggle Zoom Level to L-Alt for easy actuation with the thumb. Check out our guide of the best Valorant sensitivityfor tips on landing more shots with the Operator.

The Auto Re-enter Scope setting only applies when players use Toggle for Sniper Rifle Aim. Auto Re-enter Scope automatically scopes back in after firing to land follow-up shots on targets quickly.


Best Valorant Keybinds (2024 Guide) - (4)
  • Equip Primary Weapon:1
  • Equip Secondary Weapon:2
  • Equip Melee Weapon:3
  • Equip Spike:4
  • Cycle to Next Weapon:Not Bound
  • Cycle to Previous Weapon:Not Bound
  • Drop Equipped Item:G

The Equip inputs are all bound 1 to 4 on the number keys above WASD. Players should become familiar with hitting these keys, so they can switch weapons and plant the Spike without thinking about what key to press.

These configurations are common among the best players, as demonstrated in the below chart detailing pro player pick rates for the Equip Primary Weapon command.

Equip Primary Weapon pro pick rate

The Cycle Weapon inputs are Not Bound since pressing a specific key for the weapon you want to switch to is faster. If you must cycle weapons, the tilde or the 5 key are solid options.


Best Valorant Keybinds (2024 Guide) - (5)
  • Inspect Weapon:Y
  • Use Object:F
  • Use Spike (Plant or Defuse):4
  • Use Spray:T

Use Object and Use Spike are notable inputs from the Interaction keybind settings since they are used regularly in pressure situations. We bound Use Object to the F key due to its proximity to WASD and Use Spike to the 4 key to stay consistent with the Equip Spike keybind.


  • Ping (Tap)/Ping Wheel (Hold):Scroll Wheel Press
  • Open Armory:B
  • Open Map (Toggle):M
  • Open Map (Hold):Caps Lock
  • Show Scoreboard (Hold):Tab

The Open Armory keybind is bound to its default setting of the B key. While this is not the most ergonomic key to hit, binding this input further out is acceptable since it is not used during combat.

The Ping (Tap)/Ping Wheel (Hold) keybind is the only bind here that strays from default; we chose the Scroll Wheel Press key so you can maintain movement and aim while placing pings for teammates. Holding Scroll Wheel Press will allow the selection of any specific commands from the ping wheel.

Pro tip

The Range is an ideal place to warm up before games or learn new keybinds by using abilities and weapons against training targets. The Range can be accessed by choosing Practice to the left of the Start icon in the Play menu.

How to change Valorant keybinds

Here’s how to change the default keybinds and create a custom keybind layout for Valorant:

Best Valorant Keybinds (2024 Guide) - (6)
  • Boot up Valorant and head to the main menu. Navigate to the settings menu by clicking the settings icon in the upper right corner or pressing ESC while in-game.
  • Click on the Controls tab from the settings menu to see a complete list of available keybinds.
  • Press on the input you want to change, then press the corresponding key to which it is bound. Exit the settings menu to save your new preferences automatically.
Best Valorant Keybinds (2024 Guide) - (2025)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.